Monday, November 26, 2012

Why It Is Necessary to Get Yourself Published?

The question to be answered is in that title. Why do I have to get myself published? This is one of the questions I did not have an answer to until recently. The answer I have is that for someone like me that has no money to advertise then ezine publishing is a free way to get backlinks to your site or blog. I had heard about doing this and if I had done this earlier I probably would be ahead of the game and making profit by now. You see my problem over the years has been that I want it fast and quick.

I have learned it just doesn't happen no matter how much the gurus tell you. Building an internet business is just like building a brick and mortar business from scratch unless your name is Starbucks or Home Depot you are not going to be an instant success. It takes time to build trust with your customers and to do that it takes work. The four hour work week is fine if you have millions of hits to your blog o website each month just take four hours to update your site or blog. Anyone that tells you it is gonna be a push button operation right from the start I have two words for you: Run Away! Getting published is easier than one thinks just like a blog you do an ezine article on something you like. If you do that you will be just fine it will take time but the rewards are well worth it.

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And Through It All, It's Still About The Content

When we look at the process of Search Engine Optimisation, we can see that there are many things that make up a good SEO campaign, all of which need to begin once you have sorted your on page optimisation. From Link Building to Social Media, all of these play a massive part in SEO, as do your meta tags, menu navigation and speed of the website, but above all, one factor still remains consistent from the necessity of SEO and that is content.

Although you must make sure that you take care of your on site optimisation and then tackle your link building, press release submission, social media accounts and website development, your content will continue to set you above the rest when it comes to attracting visitors to your site, because this is still the one common factor for attracting visitors.

The first part of making content work from an SEO point of view is to make sure that the content on your site is of good quality, is relevant and is written for the reader and not just the search engines. Websites that are packed full of good quality and relevant articles and guides always do well, because the big search engines do reward people for working hard and the one way you can work hard with a website is to write.... and write well.

You then need to write exclusive content for big article directories like EzineArticles and also for your onsite / offsite blogs, because not only will you get rewarded for this, you will also end up getting more links back to your site because people will re-publish your article whilst still giving you the credit for it.

Things change, algorithms change, people change, websites change - everything changes. It was only 5 years ago that everyone relied on having thousands of links pointing to your site to do well in the search engines, which thankfully, is no longer the case.

In fact, writing a good article can help with so many things.

For example, you have written an article that everyone thinks is brilliant. Straight away, you post it on Facebook where people like it, share it and this then encourages more people to see it. People then start tweeting and re-tweeting your article, which once again spreads the word about you and your website. Your article is also a hit on EzineArticles or other article directories so people being to republish it, again, spreading the word and at the same time getting more links back to your site.

So, with one article, you have just helped with your link building campaign, article submissions, social media campaigns and have increased exposure, traffic and hopefully sales if you are writing for your business.

The Internet changes minute by minute and you will get more and more experts telling you how to do things. But, if you make sure that your website is optimised and you are writing excellent articles and content, then you can rest assured that no matter what happens over the next couple of years, you should still be doing well in the search engines, because content seems to be the one thing that is consistently rewarded.

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What to Include In Email Newsletters

Email newsletters or e-zines are a great business building tool when properly used. Sadly, many business owners haven't got a clue how valuable and economical this is. One of the biggest mistakes that entrepreneurs are making is they don't know what to include in their email newsletter.

Let's start by identifying the purpose of your's to build a relationship with your readers and or customers and retaining them for as long as you can. In order to start that relationship and build on it, your readers have to open the newsletter. If it's never opened then it's surely not being read. So the first thing to have in place is a compelling headline. Something that grabs their attention and makes them want to press the open button.

Once you've made it past the headline, you want to have your reader enjoy the experience. Every Monday and Thursday morning, bright and early my email newsletter is delivered to my readers and there is a definite flow and structure. I've noticed the same when reading newsletters to which I've subscribed. The first thing you want to include is your header. A stylish header really does transform the look of your newsletter. Have someone create a banner and use it each and every time you publish a new issue. It's attention-getting and I think pulls your publication together.

Right underneath your header, identify the issue.Pick a number and continue from there. I initially started with issue 1 but after the 11th issue, I decided that number was to small so the next issue was 113. I don't know why I chose that number but the point is to just pick a number and keep going. Also include the day and date.

The next thing you'll want to include is a note from the editor.Every magazine in every genre and niche begins with a letter from the editor introducing that particular issue. It ties in the theme of that issue and you should do the same with your newsletter.

I start every newsletter with usually one but no more than two paragraphs from the "Mom in Chief" since my site is geared towards mompreneurs. Many others choose "Editor" or "Editor in Chief". My advice is to just pick one and go with it. Next give a brief introduction. This is where you can be a little personal but again it's also where you let your readers know what they can expect in this issue.

After the introduction is the main article.Now if you receive my newsletter and you read my blog, you'll notice that the same article that appears in the newsletter is also my latest blog post. If you're wondering why you would do that, remember that your email newsletter has content that will never appear on your example being the introduction that we talked about in the previous paragraph.

Include at least one image that's related to the article. I usually place mine top center, but I've seen others that have multiple images.

Close out your article with your bio. This is where you'll want to include a call to action. If you have a free offer, new product...whatever it is, tell your readers what you want them to do next. Click here, opt in, share this, comment on my blog...just make sure that you have a strong call to action!

Remember the point of your newsletter...that's right, your customers, your readers and connecting with them. The next thing that you may want to include is a section where you feature one of your readers. You can have a section where you highlight comments made by your readers and include their name. People would LOVE to see their name or photo in your email newsletter.

You can get really creative by adding some fun facts, feature a client story, birthday, pet photo or crossword puzzle. You're only limited by the limits of your creativity. Give them enough but not too much! Remember to have fun and know that you can always change something that's no longer working for you and regardless of what industry you're in or what you market you should regularly publish an email newsletter. It's an easy and inexpensive way to build your client relationship.

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How To Publish A Magazine Or Newsletter

There are plenty of people who dream of sharing their thoughts and words with others and now it is more possible than ever to accomplish this. You can create your own magazine or newsletter and share it with everyone you know. There are a few important things you should know when creating your own piece of literature, but once you have the basics down, you are free to be as creative or informative as you choose. The better your newsletter or magazine, the more people you will have interested in reading your work. If publishing a newsletter or magazine is something you have always dreamed of doing, there are a few things to get in order so you can be successful. Start by having plenty of printer ink refill or toner cartridges on hand if you will be printing your magazine or newsletter. Some choose to distribute via email, but others prefer the old-fashioned way of reading, so consider the pros and cons of both options.

Before you begin sending out your hard work to everyone, you need to create a distribution list. You may want to give people the option of viewing or receiving your newsletter or magazine. You can publicize the work before printing or you can distribute some copies and offer people a chance to be added to your distribution list. This is assuming you are sending out your work for free. If you want to sell your work, you will need to sell subscriptions. This is a challenge, but it can be done. The important thing, whether you are sharing your work for free or selling it, is to have a distribution list so you begin putting your magazine or newsletter out with some direction and organization.

The most important part of a magazine or newsletter is the content. Before you launch forward with your plans, make sure you have plenty of ideas for content for your first issue and for a few issues in the future. If your first issue is filled with great content, readers will expect the future issues to offer the same. Design your first issue to have an impressive impact and create a blueprint for future issues.

One of the best ways to get content is to open up the field to other writers. While you may want to keep creative control and do it all yourself, if you are successful, you will be overwhelmed doing it all on your own. You can act as the editor and reserve the right to make changes to submissions, but offer other writers the chance to submit to your magazine or newsletter. Remember, the more writers you have, the more readers you have.

Finally, offer readers a benefit other than just reading the words and learning the information. Include fun opportunities in your magazine or newsletter like coupons or photos. These special offerings will be driven by the tone and subject of your magazine or newsletter, but it is important to let readers know you appreciate them and give them something to enjoy besides your words.

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7 Hot Topics to Get Your Articles Read - An Internet Marketer's Guide to Article Writing

When you are writing articles for internet marketing purposes, there are a few guidelines to follow that will ensure that your articles are read. This is a quick hit list of hot topics that will keep readers interested in your topics, because after all, the purpose is to keep the reader engaged and redirect them to your other topics and to eventually buy from you!

Here are my Top 7 Tips to get your articles read:

Use numbers and/or bullets points. Just like the method you see here, bullet and number lists are quick, easy to ready, and are meant to keep up with people's short attention spans. Most text edit programs have a function that will automatically indent the points from the main text paragraphs. Short paragraphs will typically attract more readers. Be original and shine! Show your true self and your personality in your articles. You'll notice that my articles often mentions skiing and snowboarding because that is what I like and that helps me make analogies to the topics. If you want to get readers returning to your content, be original and your articles will be read. Use an interesting title that grabs attention. Instead of a title being "Learn How to Ski" I might title the article "An Expert's Hot Tips to Learn How to Ski for Beginners." It comes down to simple marketing strategy and techniques. Think about topics that you like to read and pay attention to what makes you stop and read the topics - usually there is some type of attention grabbing headline or title that gets the articles read. Magazines at store fronts are a great place to look for examples of this in action. Use any method other than the written word: images, figures, graphs, statistics. When I first get to a website I immediately scan the whole page for organization and look for the images and factual data figures (if they apply to the content). If I can get the message of the article from the pictures, quick facts, and figures, chances are I will stop and gather the rest of the details from the written article. This is a huge tip in getting your articles read. Along with an attention grabbing title or header, if you want to get your articles read, you need to KEEP the attention of the reader. Don't be exciting in your title and then have a boring article! Use Subheadings. Lengthy paragraphs and topics can be broken up by using subheadings, which will make it easier for your articles to get read. I will usually use underlining, bold, and italic fonts to stress major points. For instance, if writing about learning to ski I might have 3 to 4 subheadings:

Form and Posture Turns Stopping Riding the Lifts

By sticking to these tips, you should get off to a great start to writing some great articles that will help you with your internet marketing business.

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Utilizing Article Publication Sites To Increase Targeted Visitors For Your Site

There isn't any question that the most important step to managing a lucrative business is to come up with a steady traffic flow. There really are a wide range of ways you can improve your visitors flow, however distributing to Internet directories can be incredibly successful. Whether it is submitting articles to article publication sites or perhaps submitting your Internet site to Internet site directories, you will quickly receive a large number of site visitors by doing this. When you publish to Internet directories, you will be obtaining zero cost advertising. Anywhere you look on the Internet you'll see advertisements and also marketing promotions hoping to get you to pay for advertising. But in reality, distributing to Internet directories can be equally effective in relation to increasing your traffic flow.

You can find thousands of individuals that search content article directories along with Internet site directories for ideas and information. Whether or not the online users would like options with regard to their own site or perhaps good quality subject material, you will have your content and also your website viewed thousands of times. By putting a link to your own personal site when creating the submission, people can have easy accessibility to be sent straight to your website.

Publishing your articles in article directories can do a great deal more than offering a site link for people to mouse click on. Once you submit articles, you will be also delivering good quality subject material to be seen by hundreds of thousands of people. There is a huge amount of duplicate subject material on the web that readers tend to be salivating for new content material. If you can create, refreshing and also appealing subject material, men and women will bounce to your website to determine what else you have to supply you with

Yet another way you will get a large number of visitors for your site by posting to directories is usually by means of page rank. Simply by focusing on particular keyword phrases in your Internet site, you are able to rise higher in the various search engines. The greater your website flows along with casually spreads your keywords all through your Internet site, the higher your websites page rank will likely be.

The major search engines encourage high quality sites by providing them with a better page rank. Typically you can find the higher page rank Internet sites at the very top of the search engines results pages. Not to mention based on the golden triangle guideline, online surfers have a tendency to pay attention to only the first 4 or 5 search results on the search engines. For this reason, attempt to spread your keywords all through your site without making it appear too obvious and you may begin to climb up the search engines.

A web based business will not amount to much without having website traffic. You may have the very best Internet site in the world, however, if no one realizes that it exists, it's nothing at all. This is why it is important that you take the time for you to distribute your content articles and website all the article directories as well as website directories. The greater the number of directories you submit to, the better possibility you've gotten of individuals viewing your website. From there, you will observe a stable increase in the volume of traffic you will get.

Always look for directories which has either a great web page rank, or a good predicted page rank. Generally new web directories will develop their page rank along with the quantity of visitors they will acquire pretty fast. This will work for your site and absolutely worthy of distributing to, mainly because they tend to be often cheap or perhaps free.

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Are You Using Article Marketing To Bring Traffic to Your Website?

Have you ever done article marketing for your website? If you haven't, then you should consider it as one of your tools to get people to your website. Article marketing is a one of the best tools to drive traffic to your website.

Why should you use article marketing?

1) It is a free tool.

Have you done pay per click advertisement? If you have, let me ask you a question. What happen after you stop paying your advertiser? Your advertisement stop and you cannot bring any more visitors to your website unless you continue to pay your advertiser.

Article marketing is a free tool. The only thing that you need to invest is your time writing the articles. However if you don't have the time to write or you dislike writing, you can always get a ghostwriter to write your articles for you.

2) Long term effect

Article marketing can bring you visitors every month after you post your articles to article directories. The effect is long term and you will see the results exceed any form of advertisement that you may have done. Generally it is recommended that you write 25-30 articles to see the traffic coming to your website. Of course, the more articles, the better your traffic will be.

3) People hungry for information

When people are interested to buy a product, they would often do a search online for information. If you write an article about your product and give them the information that they need, you can drive them to your website.

4) Perceive articles as more trustworthy

When people do a search online and your articles appear on the search page on the left column, they perceive it as more trustworthy. Paid per click advertisement which appeared on the right column of the search page has less credibility compare to organic search results (left column of the search page). Therefore, the probability that your articles will be click will be much higher than the pay per click advertisement.

5) Build your reputation

Articles help to build your reputation as an expert in your field. Once you establish yourself as an expert, you have a higher authority and more trust from people. You will be the first place where people look for in the industry.

6) Create backlinks

Article marketing is a good way for you to create backlinks for your website. Article directories ranked highly with the search engines. So,the more backlinks for your website, the better ranking of your website by the search engines.

Invest your time in article marketing and you will see the benefits over time. Your goal is to make sale. Do this well and it will help you in your goal.

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3 Ways to Get New Content Approved for Your Ezine Account

People create an article account in a bid to publish their articles. If one has a decent number of articles in directory, then that person will never be short of content writing job offers. Many articles directories give you maximum amount of exposure and you also get t earn decent amount of money. But publishing an article is not an easy task. So here are a few tips which will help you publish these articles very easily. These tips are some basic and simple things which people tend to forget while writing. They are also very easy to follow.

Firstly, you must write articles on topics which interest you or on topics which you have great knowledge. All your articles should have good quality information which will interest the readers. You don't really have to be bombastic. You must use simple language which is easy to understand. If you are using complicated technical terms, then you must provide their definition too in brackets. If the editor cannot understand what you are talking about, he will just push your article away and work on others. So always try to use simple terms which are easy to understand. Simplicity attracts readers too and if your article is well appreciated, then there will be no dearth of jobs for you.

The next thing you must keep in mind is to keep your article free of grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes. This is a major turn off for most readers and editors. They will not continue reading your article if the first paragraph itself contains too many errors. If your articles are full of these mistakes, then they will be surely rejected. Proof read your article at least twice before you hit the send button. Do not use long wind sentences. All the information should be short and precise. Keep everything uncluttered and uncomplicated. Do not use any fancy text or graphics. Just ensure that your article is of good quality and it will be surely published.

The third and the most important thing to keep in mind are to keep your articles authentic. Do not nick any information from blogs or articles of others. If you are accused of plagiarism, then your account will be suspended permanently. If you think that there is a bit of information which you have to use in your article and then provide a reference for the same. Copying even one statement from other source is not acceptable. If you are not an expert in a particular field, then it is best that you should not attempt that particular article. Comply with all the rules and regulations on their website and follow all the guidelines. So these are a few tips which will surely help you get your article published on article directories. Follow these tips carefully and you will become a successful published author in article directories in on time.

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2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics

Sometimes it can be difficult figuring out what you want to write about. It's frustrating when you can't think of anything to write about. How can you get more ideas for article topics? In this article I'm going to share with you 2 simple tips to generate more article topic ideas. Let's get started shall we?

Watch the News

Turn on your local news channel or national broadcast and keep your eyes and ears open. Stories and new ideas will fly by you by the hundreds! Not just the news items but also pay attention to sports, health features, entertainment news, technology and gadgets, literally everything. These are all potential articles you can write about where you can add your own twist and tie it in with a niche you're interested in. Even product tests or research, new product announcements, new techniques, etc. can all give you great ideas to write about!

Google Alerts

Sometimes the news just doesn't cut it. It's too slow and it's not very flexible. It would be nice if there was some type of news system where news could be instantly brought directly to you based on your interests. Well no problem, there is. Check out Google Alerts. Simply type in a phrase or keyword that you want to instant updates on and Google will send it right to your email. You don't even need a Gmail account but I recommend signing up for one anyways since you can organize all your alerts very nicely. You can also customize the results sent to you by type, how often, and volume so you get exactly what you want.

New ideas for article topics are out there, you just have to look!

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